Millennial Farms with Technology 4.0 : Realize Increased Shrimp Production.

Tambak Milenial
Millenial Shrimp Farm (MSF)

NusantaraBerdaya.Com - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) of the Republic of Indonesia, through the Directorate General of Aquaculture (DJPB) is currently focusing on one of Indonesia's leading commodities that have high economic value, namely shrimp in order to increase the value of shrimp exports by 250% by 2024.

In achieving this target, one of the efforts made is to encourage the development of the implementation of the Millenial Shrimp Farming (MSF) concept that involves millennials (young people) such as the one built at the Jepara Brackish Water Cultivation Fisheries Center (BBPBAP).

The Director General of Aquaculture, Slamet Soebjakto said in his statement that the millennial pond in Jepara with 29 ponds with a diameter of 20 m succeeded in the first partial harvest with a maintenance period of 67 days, harvest size 70-80 with a yield of around 4.3-4, 5 tons. The advantages of the millennial ponds are that they still take into account environmental sustainability and the quality of shrimp production.

This effort was carried out based on the program of the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Sakti Wahyu Trenggono entrusted by President Jokowidodo, namely the development of aquaculture to drive the community's economy, and millennial ponds are one of the programs that are considered to be an attraction for the millennial generation to be able to participate in economic development. through the national shrimp industry.

MSF Shrimp harvest

This millennial pond has accommodated the use of technology 4.0 in its operational system so that it is expected to be able to increase effectiveness and efficiency in increasing sustainable national shrimp productivity.

The target of this program is to create new entrepreneurs from the millennial generation to become the main actors of professional shrimp farming. Currently BBPBAP Jepara has educated 28 technicians consisting of 8 women and 20 men who are undergraduate graduates from leading universities, to be ready to become aquaculture technicians and fishpond entrepreneurs.

The Millennial Farming Movement is expected, first, to be able to drive an increase in national shrimp production with the involvement of the millennial generation and the use of aquaculture technology innovation 4.0 for smarter, more productive, scalable and sustainable cultivation. Second, creating new jobs is expected to absorb workers. Third, applying innovation in shrimp farming technology by using circular ponds based on 4.0 digitization technology. Fourth, involve the millennial generation (under the age of 35 years) to ensure the sustainability of the program from generation to generation. And fifth, increasing the productivity of pond land.

Waterwheel for pond oxygen supply

Head of the Jepara Brackish Water Cultivation Fisheries Center, Sugeng Raharjo, said that BBPBAP Jepara is ready to support the sustainable development of millennial ponds and of course always considers the principle of zero waste, by involving millennial scholars who will be able to develop their own millennial pond business.

The total area of ​​land allocated for this MSF is approximately 2.1 hectares of which around 1.45 hectares are for the location of the round tub/maintenance tank as many as 29 ponds, 0.2 hectares for the Waste Water Disposal Installation (IPAL), 0.4 hectares for source water reservoirs. In addition, there are also available guard houses, inlet and outlet lines, engine housings, pumps and generators. One unit of a circular pond with a diameter of 20 m, a pond height of 1.5 m and a pond water level of 1.3 m with a stocking density of 250 fish/m2.

Round tarpaulin for MSF

In addition, using a circular pond with the use of technology based on industry 4.0 and digitization (automatic feeder, water quality monitoring, bubble tube diffuser, paddle wheel) equipped with data-based cultivation applications (smart farming).

In addition to technology, aquaculture business management is also carried out by forming cluster management and Joint Business Groups (KUB) which currently involve 28 millennial generations of university graduates throughout Indonesia to be prepared to become new aquaculture entrepreneurs/entrepreneurs. Here, we, BBPBAP Jepara, are ready to serve as technical assistants. (*nsb)

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